

  1. 晕 is the 2210th most frequent character.
  2. 晕 has 2 dictionary entries.
  3. 晕 appears as a character in 26 words.
  4. 晕 appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
晕 => 日, 军
Radical :
晕 => 日 (sun/day), 冖 (cover), 车 (car)
Graphical :
晕 => 口, 一, 冖, 乚, 一, 一, 丨

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. yun1 - confused/dizzy/giddy/to faint/to swoon/to lose consciousness/to pass out
  2. yun4 - dizzy/halo/ring around moon or sun

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 晕 (yun1): The component 军 is pronounced as 'jun1'. It has the same pinyin final.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 晕 (yun4): The component 军 is pronounced as 'jun1'. It has the same pinyin final.

Example Words:

High Frequency

晕 (暈)
晕倒 (暈倒)
晕车 (暈車)
头晕 (頭暈)

Medium Frequency

晕乎 (暈乎)
晕染 (暈染)
晕死 (暈死)
晕眩 (暈眩)
晕头转向 (暈頭轉向)
发晕 (發暈)
眩晕 (眩暈)


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  1. 染 is the 1139th most frequent character.
  2. 染 has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. 染 appears as a character in 38 words.
  4. 染 appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
染 => 氿, 木
Radical :
染 => 氵 (water), 丿 (bend), ㇈ (N/A), 木 (tree)
Graphical :
染 => ⺀, ㇀, 丿, ㇈, 一, 丨, 八

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. ran3 - to dye/to catch (a disease)/to acquire (bad habits etc)/to contaminate/to add colour washes to a painting

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. There are no phonetic clues for this character.

Example Words:

High Frequency


Medium Frequency

一尘不染 (一塵不染)
传染 (傳染)
传染病 (傳染病)
晕染 (暈染)
染发 (染髮)
Decomposition Levels:
Level 1: Only divided once. So only two components.
Level 2: Radical Decomposition. The character gets decomposed into its lowest radical components. For the complete list visit the Radical wikipedia page.
Level 3: Graphical Decomposition. Shows all the strokes & lowest level of components that make up the character.
If you see questions marks or too many "block" characters, especially when it comes to level 3 decomposition you might need the correct font.