

  1. ้€€ is the 722nd most frequent character.
  2. ้€€ has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. ้€€ appears as a character in 60 words.
  4. ้€€ appears as a component in 5 characters.


Once :
้€€ => ่พถ, ่‰ฎ
Radical :
้€€ => ่พถ (walk), ่‰ฎ (stopping)
Graphical :
้€€ => ไธถ, ใ‡†, ใ‡, ไธจ, ใ‡•, ไบŒ, ไนš, ๅ†ซ

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. tui4 - to retreat/to decline/to move back/to withdraw

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. There are no phonetic clues for this character.

Example Words:

High Frequency


Medium Frequency

ๅŽ้€€ย (ๅพŒ้€€)
ๅ‡้€€ย (ๆธ›้€€)
้€€ๅœบย (้€€ๅ ด)
้€€ๅญฆย (้€€ๅญธ)
้€€็ƒญย (้€€็†ฑ)
้€€็ƒงย (้€€็‡’)
้€€็ผฉย (้€€็ธฎ)
้€€่ดงย (้€€่ฒจ)
่ฟ›้€€ย (้€ฒ้€€)

Appears In:

้€€ also appears in:


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  1. ็จ… is the 779th most frequent character.
  2. ็จ… has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. ็จ… appears as a character in 36 words.
  4. ็จ… appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
็จ… => ็ฆพ, ๅ…Œ
Radical :
็จ… => ็ฆพ (grain), ๅ…ซ (eight/divide), ๅฃ (mouth), ๅ„ฟ (legs)
Graphical :
็จ… => ใ‡’, ไธ€, ไธจ, ๅ…ซ, ๅ…ซ, ๅฃ, ไธฟ, ไนš

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. shui4 - taxes/duties

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for ็จ… (shui4): The component ๅ…Œ is pronounced as 'dui4'. It has the same pinyin final.

Example Words:

High Frequency

็จŽย (็จ…)
็จŽๆ”ถย (็จ…ๆ”ถ)
็บณ็จŽไบบย (็ด็จ…ไบบ)

Medium Frequency

ไฟ็จŽๅŒบย (ไฟ็จ…ๅ€)
ๅท็จŽย (ๅท็จ…)
ๅ…็จŽย (ๅ…็จ…)
ๅœฐ็จŽย (ๅœฐ็จ…)
ๆŠฅ็จŽย (ๅ ฑ็จ…)
ๅขžๅ€ผ็จŽย (ๅขžๅ€ผ็จ…)
ๅพ็จŽย (ๅพต็จ…)
ๆ‰€ๅพ—็จŽย (ๆ‰€ๅพ—็จ…)
ๆ”ถ็จŽย (ๆ”ถ็จ…)
ๆถˆ่ดน็จŽย (ๆถˆ่ฒป็จ…)
ๅ‡็จŽย (ๆธ›็จ…)
ๆผ็จŽย (ๆผ็จ…)
่ฅไธš็จŽย (็‡Ÿๆฅญ็จ…)
็จŽๅ‰ย (็จ…ๅ‰)
็จŽๅŠกย (็จ…ๅ‹™)
็จŽๅŠกๅฑ€ย (็จ…ๅ‹™ๅฑ€)
็จŽๅŽย (็จ…ๅพŒ)
็จŽๆณ•ย (็จ…ๆณ•)
็บณ็จŽย (็ด็จ…)
้€€็จŽย (้€€็จ…)
้€ƒ็จŽย (้€ƒ็จ…)
้ฟ็จŽย (้ฟ็จ…)
ๅ…ณ็จŽย (้—œ็จ…)
Decomposition Levels:
Level 1: Only divided once. So only two components.
Level 2: Radical Decomposition. The character gets decomposed into its lowest radical components. For the complete list visit the Radical wikipedia page.
Level 3: Graphical Decomposition. Shows all the strokes & lowest level of components that make up the character.
If you see questions marks or too many "block" characters, especially when it comes to level 3 decomposition you might need the correct font.