

  1. ่พต is the 7174th most frequent character.
  2. ่พต has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. ่พต appears as a character in 0 words.
  4. ่พต appears as a component in 224 characters.


Once :
่พต => ๅฝก, ้พฐ
Radical :
่พต => ่พต (walk)
Graphical :
่พต => ๅฝก, ้พฐ

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. chuo4 - to walk (side part of split character)

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for ่พต (chuo4): The component ่พต is pronounced as 'chuo4'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

Medium Frequency

Appears In:

่พต also appears in:
่พต่ฟ™่ฟ‡้“่ฟ˜่ฟ›้€š่พพ่พน่ฟ้€ ่ฟ‘่ฟœ่ฟž้š้€‰้€Ÿ้€้€‚่ฟฐ้€€่ฟฝ้—้‡้€้ฟ้€ƒ่ฟซ้้ญ่ฟŽ้€้€”่ฟ…่ฟน่ฟท่ฟ่…ฟ่ฟŸ่ฟ”่ฟช้€’ๅทก้€ผ้€ป้ต่ฟ้€Š่ฟˆ้ฅ้ฃ่Žฒ็ผ้‚€้€†้‚่พฝ้“พ้€้ฎ้€ข้€ฎ้€ธ่“ฌ่ฐœ่ฟฆ่ฐด่ฟ„็ฏท้€—้€พ้€›้้ซ“่ฟ‚่ฟญ็ณ™้€ž้่ฟธ่คช้šง้€่ฟฅๆŒๅ“’้€ต็้ๆถŸ่ฟข้ฝ้‚ƒๆงŒ้ž‘้€™้Ž่ฟฉ้€…่ฟณๆŒž่ฟจ้›้‚‚ๆšนๅ—ต่ฟค็‡ง้—ผ้จ้‚‹้‚ˆ้€ก้‘้ข้‚„้ด้€‹้ฒข้€ถ่ฃข็ฌพ้€–้†š่ทน้€ฒ้€ฆ้’้ฉ็ผ’็ผฑ้€‘้€ฏ้‹่ฟ•้€ญ้„้€„่ฟ“็…บ้€ฃ่ทถ้ธ้”้บ่˜ง้”Ž้šจ้ ่ฟด้‚Š้€ฑ่ฟฎ้น็ž‡่ฎ‰่ฟป่“ฎ็นธ้ฒ่พป้€ฟ่ฟฏ้˜้†้•้€Œ่ญข้ž้Š้‚†้ฏ็ธซ้่’พ่–ณ้ก้‚…้™้‚‰่ฟ่พผ็ฐป้ท็นจ็บ„่——่ฟบ้‚‡็คˆ่ž้œ็ฏด่†ผ่ ญ่ฝ‹่ฟ’่ฟ†้€•้€ค่น†้‚้Ÿผ็ฆญ็ธ‹้Žš้Ÿ†่ฟ‹้€“้€ท้ˆ้‚Œ่’่ฆ่––้€‡้ˆ้ถ้ถ้‚้ฉ็ฉŸ่ฟ่™
Decomposition Levels:
Level 1: Only divided once. So only two components.
Level 2: Radical Decomposition. The character gets decomposed into its lowest radical components. For the complete list visit the Radical wikipedia page.
Level 3: Graphical Decomposition. Shows all the strokes & lowest level of components that make up the character.
If you see questions marks or too many "block" characters, especially when it comes to level 3 decomposition you might need the correct font.