

  1. ็‡Ÿ is the 536th most frequent character.
  2. ็‡Ÿ has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. ็‡Ÿ appears as a character in 64 words.
  4. ็‡Ÿ appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
็‡Ÿ => No glyph available, ๅ•
Radical :
็‡Ÿ => ็‚ (N/A), ๅ†– (cover), ๅ• (N/A)
Graphical :
็‡Ÿ => ็‚, ๅ†–, ๅ•

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. ying2 - camp/barracks/battalion/to build/to operate/to manage/to strive for

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. There are no phonetic clues for this character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

่ฅไธšย (็‡Ÿๆฅญ)
่ฅ้€ ย (็‡Ÿ้€ )
่ฅ้”€ย (็‡Ÿ้Šท)
่ฅๅ…ปย (็‡Ÿ้คŠ)
็ป่ฅย (็ถ“็‡Ÿ)

Medium Frequency

ๅ…ต่ฅย (ๅ…ต็‡Ÿ)
ๅ›ฝ่ฅย (ๅœ‹็‡Ÿ)
ๅฎ‰่ฅๆ‰Žๅฏจย (ๅฎ‰็‡Ÿ็ดฎๅฏจ)
ไธ“่ฅย (ๅฐˆ็‡Ÿ)
ไธ“่ฅๅบ—ย (ๅฐˆ็‡Ÿๅบ—)
ไธœ่ฅย (ๆฑ็‡Ÿ)
ๆฐ‘่ฅย (ๆฐ‘็‡Ÿ)
่ฅย (็‡Ÿ)
่ฅๅฃย (็‡Ÿๅฃ)
่ฅๅœฐย (็‡Ÿๅœฐ)
่ฅๆ”ถย (็‡Ÿๆ”ถ)
่ฅๆ•‘ย (็‡Ÿๆ•‘)
่ฅไธšๅ‘˜ย (็‡Ÿๆฅญๅ“ก)
่ฅไธš้ขย (็‡Ÿๆฅญ้ก)
่ฅ่ฟย (็‡Ÿ้‹)
็ง่ฅย (็ง็‡Ÿ)
ๆ‰Ž่ฅย (็ดฎ็‡Ÿ)
็ป่ฅ่€…ย (็ถ“็‡Ÿ่€…)
็ปฟ่ฅย (็ถ ็‡Ÿ)
่ฎญ็ปƒ่ฅย (่จ“็ทด็‡Ÿ)
ๅ†›่ฅย (่ป็‡Ÿ)
่ฟ่ฅย (้‹็‡Ÿ)
่ฟ่ฅๅ•†ย (้‹็‡Ÿๅ•†)
้˜ต่ฅย (้™ฃ็‡Ÿ)
้›†ไธญ่ฅย (้›†ไธญ็‡Ÿ)
้œฒ่ฅย (้œฒ็‡Ÿ)


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  1. ้€  is the 354th most frequent character.
  2. ้€  has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. ้€  appears as a character in 67 words.
  4. ้€  appears as a component in 1 character.


Once :
้€  => ่พถ, ๅ‘Š
Radical :
้€  => ่พถ (walk), โบง (cow), ๅฃ (mouth)
Graphical :
้€  => ไธถ, ใ‡†, ใ‡, โบง, ๅฃ

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. zao4 - to make/to build/to invent/to manufacture

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for ้€  (zao4): The component ๅ‘Š is pronounced as 'gao4'. It has the same pinyin final.

Example Words:

High Frequency

ๅˆ›้€ ย (ๅ‰ต้€ )
ๅปบ้€ ย 
่ฅ้€ ย (็‡Ÿ้€ )
้€ ๅž‹ย 
้€ ๆˆย 

Medium Frequency

ไบบ้€ ย 
ๅˆถ้€ ไธšย (ๅˆถ้€ ๆฅญ)
ๅˆ›้€ ๅŠ›ย (ๅ‰ต้€ ๅŠ›)
ๅก‘้€ ย 
ๆ‰“้€ ย 
ๆ”น้€ ย 
ๅˆถ้€ ย (่ฃฝ้€ )
้€ ย 
้€ ๅ‡ย 
้€ ๅฅย 
้€ ๅญฝย 
้€ ๅฐฑย 

Appears In:

้€  also appears in:
Decomposition Levels:
Level 1: Only divided once. So only two components.
Level 2: Radical Decomposition. The character gets decomposed into its lowest radical components. For the complete list visit the Radical wikipedia page.
Level 3: Graphical Decomposition. Shows all the strokes & lowest level of components that make up the character.
If you see questions marks or too many "block" characters, especially when it comes to level 3 decomposition you might need the correct font.