
  1. 斗 is the 580th most frequent character.
  2. has 4 dictionary entries.
  3. appears as a character in 70 words.
  4. appears as a component in 16 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (dipper)
Graphical :
=> , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. Dou3 - abbr. for the Big Dipper constellation 北斗星[Bei3 dou3 xing1]
  2. dou3 - dry measure for grain equal to ten 升[sheng1] or one-tenth of a 石[dan4]/decaliter/peck/cup or dipper shaped object/old variant of 陡[dou3]
  3. dou4 - to fight/to struggle/to condemn/to censure/to contend/to put together/coming together
  4. dou4 - variant of 鬥|斗[dou4], to fight/to struggle/to condemn/to censure/to contend/to put together/coming together

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 斗 (dou3): The component 斗 is pronounced as 'dou3'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 斗 (dou3): The component 斗 is pronounced as 'dou4'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.
  3. Pronunciation clue for 斗 (dou4): The component 斗 is pronounced as 'dou4'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.
  4. Pronunciation clue for 斗 (dou4): The component 斗 is pronounced as 'dou3'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.
  5. Pronunciation clue for 斗 (dou4): The component 斗 is pronounced as 'dou4'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

奋斗 (奮鬥)
战斗 (戰鬥)

Medium Frequency

勾心斗角 (勾心鬥角)
战斗力 (戰鬥力)
战斗机 (戰鬥機)
打斗 (打鬥)
批斗 (批鬥)
拼斗 (拼鬥)
格斗 (格鬥)
决斗 (決鬥)
争斗 (爭鬥)
斗嘴 (鬥嘴)
斗士 (鬥士)
斗志 (鬥志)
斗智 (鬥智)
斗争 (鬥爭)

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  1. 膽 is the 1350th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 46 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (moon), (knife), (cliff), (eight/divide), (speech)
Graphical :
=> , , , , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. dan3 - the gall/the nerve/courage/guts/gall bladder

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 膽 (dan3): The component 詹 is pronounced as 'zhan1'. It has the same pinyin final.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 膽 (dan3): The component 厂 is pronounced as 'han3'. It has the same pinyin final.
  3. Pronunciation clue for 膽 (dan3): The component 言 is pronounced as 'yan2'. It has the same pinyin final.

Example Words:

High Frequency

大胆 (大膽)
胆固醇 (膽固醇)
胆子 (膽子)
胆小 (膽小)
胆小鬼 (膽小鬼)
胆量 (膽量)

Medium Frequency

心惊胆战 (心驚膽戰)
提心吊胆 (提心吊膽)
斗胆 (斗膽)
海胆 (海膽)
肝胆相照 (肝膽相照)
胆囊 (膽囊)
胆大 (膽大)
胆怯 (膽怯)
胆敢 (膽敢)
胆汁 (膽汁)
胆略 (膽略)
胆结石 (膽結石)
胆识 (膽識)
胆碱 (膽鹼)
卧薪尝胆 (臥薪嚐膽)
色胆 (色膽)
Decomposition Levels:
Level 1: Only divided once. So only two components.
Level 2: Radical Decomposition. The character gets decomposed into its lowest radical components. For the complete list visit the Radical wikipedia page.
Level 3: Graphical Decomposition. Shows all the strokes & lowest level of components that make up the character.
If you see questions marks or too many "block" characters, especially when it comes to level 3 decomposition you might need the correct font.