
  1. 温 is the 865th most frequent character.
  2. has 2 dictionary entries.
  3. appears as a character in 74 words.
  4. appears as a component in 1 character.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (water), (sun/day), (dish)
Graphical :
=> , , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. Wen1 - surname Wen
  2. wen1 - warm/lukewarm/temperature/to warm up/mild/soft/tender/to review/to revise/epidemic

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 温 (wen1): The component 昷 is pronounced as 'wen1'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

气温 (氣溫)
温度 (溫度)
温暖 (溫暖)
温柔 (溫柔)
温泉 (溫泉)
温馨 (溫馨)

Medium Frequency

低温 (低溫)
保温 (保溫)
升温 (升溫)
室温 (室溫)
水温 (水溫)
温和 (溫和)
温哥华 (溫哥華)
温婉 (溫婉)
温存 (溫存)
温室 (溫室)
温家宝 (溫家寶)
温岭 (溫嶺)
温州 (溫州)
温州市 (溫州市)
温差 (溫差)
温情 (溫情)
温润 (溫潤)
温热 (溫熱)
温习 (溫習)
温顺 (溫順)
温饱 (溫飽)
重温 (重溫)
降温 (降溫)
体温 (體溫)
高温 (高溫)

Appears In:

also appears in:

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  1. 岭 is the 2209th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 27 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (mountain), (human), (dot), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. ling3 - mountain range/mountain ridge

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 岭 (ling3): The component 令 is pronounced as 'ling2'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 岭 (ling3): The component 令 is pronounced as 'ling3'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.
  3. Pronunciation clue for 岭 (ling3): The component 令 is pronounced as 'ling4'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.

Example Words:

High Frequency

八达岭 (八達嶺)
分水岭 (分水嶺)
岭南 (嶺南)
温岭 (溫嶺)
秦岭 (秦嶺)
铁岭 (鐵嶺)

Medium Frequency

上甘岭 (上甘嶺)
公主岭 (公主嶺)
南岭 (南嶺)
大兴安岭 (大興安嶺)
山岭 (山嶺)
峻岭 (峻嶺)
果岭 (果嶺)
温岭市 (溫嶺市)
荒山野岭 (荒山野嶺)
蕉岭 (蕉嶺)
蕉岭县 (蕉嶺縣)
铁岭市 (鐵嶺市)
长岭 (長嶺)
高岭土 (高嶺土)
Decomposition Levels:
Level 1: Only divided once. So only two components.
Level 2: Radical Decomposition. The character gets decomposed into its lowest radical components. For the complete list visit the Radical wikipedia page.
Level 3: Graphical Decomposition. Shows all the strokes & lowest level of components that make up the character.
If you see questions marks or too many "block" characters, especially when it comes to level 3 decomposition you might need the correct font.