

  1. ๅค‡ is the 397th most frequent character.
  2. ๅค‡ has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. ๅค‡ appears as a character in 51 words.
  4. ๅค‡ appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
ๅค‡ => ๅค‚, ็”ฐ
Radical :
ๅค‡ => ๅค‚ (go), ็”ฐ (field)
Graphical :
ๅค‡ => ใ‡‡, ใ‡, ใ‡’, ๅ†‚, ไธ€, ไธจ, ไธ€

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. bei4 - to prepare/get ready/to provide or equip

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. There are no phonetic clues for this character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

ๅ‡†ๅค‡ย (ๆบ–ๅ‚™)

Medium Frequency

ๅค‡ย (ๅ‚™)
ๅค‡ไปฝย (ๅ‚™ไปฝ)
ๅค‡ๅ—ย (ๅ‚™ๅ—)
ๅค‡ๆˆ˜ย (ๅ‚™ๆˆฐ)
ๅค‡็”จย (ๅ‚™็”จ)
ๅค‡่€ƒย (ๅ‚™่€ƒ)
ๅค‡ๆณจย (ๅ‚™่จป)
ๅ‚จๅค‡ย (ๅ„ฒๅ‚™)
ๅ…ทๅค‡ย (ๅ…ทๅ‚™)
ๅˆ˜ๅค‡ย (ๅŠ‰ๅ‚™)
ๅฟ…ๅค‡ย (ๅฟ…ๅ‚™)
ๆˆ’ๅค‡ย (ๆˆ’ๅ‚™)
็ญนๅค‡ย (็ฑŒๅ‚™)
่ฃ…ๅค‡ย (่ฃๅ‚™)
่ฎพๅค‡ย (่จญๅ‚™)
่ดฃๅค‡ย (่ฒฌๅ‚™)
้…ๅค‡ย (้…ๅ‚™)
้˜ฒๅค‡ย (้˜ฒๅ‚™)
้ข„ๅค‡ย (้ ๅ‚™)


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  1. ่ƒŽ is the 1981st most frequent character.
  2. ่ƒŽ has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. ่ƒŽ appears as a character in 28 words.
  4. ่ƒŽ appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
่ƒŽ => ๆœˆ, ๅฐ
Radical :
่ƒŽ => ๆœˆ (moon), ๅŽถ (private), ๅฃ (mouth)
Graphical :
่ƒŽ => ๅ†‚, ไบŒ, ใ‡›, ไธถ, ๅฃ

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. tai1 - fetus/litter/tire/abbr. of ่ผช่ƒŽ|่ฝฎ่ƒŽ

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for ่ƒŽ (tai1): The component ๅฐ is pronounced as 'tai2'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.
  2. Pronunciation clue for ่ƒŽ (tai1): The component ๅฐ is pronounced as 'tai2'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.

Example Words:

High Frequency

ๅŒ่ƒž่ƒŽย (้›™่ƒž่ƒŽ)

Medium Frequency

ๅค‡่ƒŽย (ๅ‚™่ƒŽ)
ๅ •่ƒŽย (ๅขฎ่ƒŽ)
ๆ€€่ƒŽย (ๆ‡ท่ƒŽ)
่ƒŽๅ„ฟย (่ƒŽๅ…’)
่ƒŽๅŠจย (่ƒŽๅ‹•)
่ƒŽ็›˜ย (่ƒŽ็›ค)
่„ฑ่ƒŽๆข้ชจย (่„ซ่ƒŽๆ›้ชจ)
่ฝฆ่ƒŽย (่ปŠ่ƒŽ)
่ฝฎ่ƒŽย (่ผช่ƒŽ)
Decomposition Levels:
Level 1: Only divided once. So only two components.
Level 2: Radical Decomposition. The character gets decomposed into its lowest radical components. For the complete list visit the Radical wikipedia page.
Level 3: Graphical Decomposition. Shows all the strokes & lowest level of components that make up the character.
If you see questions marks or too many "block" characters, especially when it comes to level 3 decomposition you might need the correct font.