
  1. 垂 is the 1590th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 29 words.
  4. appears as a component in 12 characters.


Once :
=> No glyph available,
Radical :
=> (N/A), (ten), (scholar), (grass)
Graphical :
=> , , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. chui2 - to hang (down)/droop/dangle/bend down/hand down/bequeath/nearly/almost/to approach

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. There are no phonetic clues for this character.

Example Words:

High Frequency


Medium Frequency

功败垂成 (功敗垂成)
垂泪 (垂淚)
垂钓 (垂釣)
垂头丧气 (垂頭喪氣)

Appears In:

also appears in:

#Back to top


  1. 頭 is the 147th most frequent character.
  2. has 2 dictionary entries.
  3. appears as a character in 355 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (bean), (leaf)
Graphical :
=> , , , , , 丿, , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. tou2 - head/hair style/the top/end/beginning or end/a stub/remnant/chief/boss/side/aspect/first/leading/classifier for pigs or livestock/CL:個|个[ge4]
  2. tou5 - suff. for nouns

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 頭 (tou2): The component 豆 is pronounced as 'dou4'. It has the same pinyin final.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 頭 (tou5): The component 豆 is pronounced as 'dou4'. It has the same pinyin final.

Example Words:

High Frequency

回头 (回頭)
年头 (年頭)
抬头 (抬頭)
枕头 (枕頭)
洗头 (洗頭)
尽头 (盡頭)
石头 (石頭)
码头 (碼頭)
街头 (街頭)
镜头 (鏡頭)
头像 (頭像)
头晕 (頭暈)
头疼 (頭疼)
头痛 (頭痛)
头脑 (頭腦)
头发 (頭髮)
馒头 (饅頭)

Medium Frequency

一头雾水 (一頭霧水)
上头 (上頭)
丫头 (丫頭)
乳头 (乳頭)
二锅头 (二鍋頭)
人头 (人頭)
人头马 (人頭馬)
仰头 (仰頭)
低头 (低頭)
个头 (個頭)
偏头痛 (偏頭痛)
兆头 (兆頭)
光头 (光頭)
出人头地 (出人頭地)
出头 (出頭)
到头来 (到頭來)
剃头 (剃頭)
前头 (前頭)
劲头 (勁頭)
势头 (勢頭)
包头 (包頭)
口头 (口頭)
口头禅 (口頭禪)
噱头 (噱頭)
埋头 (埋頭)
外头 (外頭)
多头 (多頭)
对头 (對頭)
山头 (山頭)
崭露头角 (嶄露頭角)
巨头 (巨頭)
带头 (帶頭)
平头 (平頭)
床头 (床頭)
床头柜 (床頭櫃)
后头 (後頭)
从头 (從頭)
从头到尾 (從頭到尾)
彻头彻尾 (徹頭徹尾)
心头 (心頭)
念头 (念頭)
手指头 (手指頭)
手头 (手頭)
扭头 (扭頭)
抱头痛哭 (抱頭痛哭)
拳头 (拳頭)
指头 (指頭)
掉头 (掉頭)
接头 (接頭)
插头 (插頭)
摇头 (搖頭)
摄像头 (攝像頭)
日头 (日頭)
晕头转向 (暈頭轉向)
木头 (木頭)
梳头 (梳頭)
桥头 (橋頭)
水龙头 (水龍頭)
汕头 (汕頭)
源头 (源頭)
满头大汗 (滿頭大汗)
无厘头 (無厘頭)
焦头烂额 (焦頭爛額)
烟头 (煙頭)
片头 (片頭)
狮子头 (獅子頭)
猎头 (獵頭)
白头 (白頭)
白头偕老 (白頭偕老)
白头到老 (白頭到老)
盼头 (盼頭)
眉头 (眉頭)
看头 (看頭)
碰头 (碰頭)
磕头 (磕頭)
砖头 (磚頭)
秃头 (禿頭)
空头 (空頭)
箭头 (箭頭)
罐头 (罐頭)
老头 (老頭)
老头儿 (老頭兒)
老头子 (老頭子)
临头 (臨頭)
舌头 (舌頭)
芋头 (芋頭)
蓬头垢面 (蓬頭垢面)
行头 (行頭)
里头 (裡頭)
调头 (調頭)
猪头 (豬頭)
猫头鹰 (貓頭鷹)
起头 (起頭)
跟头 (跟頭)
转头 (轉頭)
过头 (過頭)
重头戏 (重頭戲)
钟头 (鐘頭)
开头 (開頭)
关头 (關頭)
头一 (頭一)
头上 (頭上)
头儿 (頭兒)
头大 (頭大)
头昏 (頭昏)
头昏脑胀 (頭昏腦脹)
头条 (頭條)
头版 (頭版)
头皮 (頭皮)
头盔 (頭盔)
头破血流 (頭破血流)
头等 (頭等)
头等舱 (頭等艙)
头绪 (頭緒)
头部 (頭部)
头衔 (頭銜)
头顶 (頭頂)
头头 (頭頭)
头颅 (頭顱)
头饰 (頭飾)
额头 (額頭)
风头 (風頭)
骨头 (骨頭)
鱼头 (魚頭)
点头 (點頭)
龙头 (龍頭)

#Back to top


  1. 喪 is the 1402nd most frequent character.
  2. has 2 dictionary entries.
  3. appears as a character in 41 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> 𡋑, No glyph available
Radical :
=> (earth), (N/A), (second), No glyph available
Graphical :
=> , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. sang1 - to make funeral arrangements/to be in mourning/corpse (old)
  2. sang4 - to lose/to flee/to be defeated/to die

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 喪 (sang1): The component 吅 is pronounced as 'song4'. It has the same pinyin initial.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 喪 (sang4): The component 吅 is pronounced as 'song4'. It has the same pinyin initial.

Example Words:

High Frequency

丧失 (喪失)
沮丧 (沮喪)

Medium Frequency

哭丧 (哭喪)
丧事 (喪事)
丧偶 (喪偶)
丧命 (喪命)
丧尸 (喪屍)
丧心病狂 (喪心病狂)
丧志 (喪志)
丧权辱国 (喪權辱國)
丧气 (喪氣)
丧生 (喪生)
丧尽天良 (喪盡天良)
丧礼 (喪禮)
丧钟 (喪鐘)
垂头丧气 (垂頭喪氣)
奔丧 (奔喪)
懊丧 (懊喪)
沦丧 (淪喪)
灰心丧气 (灰心喪氣)
闻风丧胆 (聞風喪膽)
颓丧 (頹喪)

#Back to top


  1. 氣 is the 217th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 318 words.
  4. appears as a component in 1 character.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (steam/breath), (rice)
Graphical :
=> 丿, , , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. qi4 - gas/air/smell/weather/to make angry/to annoy/to get angry/vital energy/qi

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 氣 (qi4): The component 米 is pronounced as 'mi3'. It has the same pinyin final.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 氣 (qi4): The component 气 is pronounced as 'qi4'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

人气 (人氣)
勇气 (勇氣)
天气 (天氣)
帅气 (帥氣)
手气 (手氣)
气息 (氣息)
气死 (氣死)
气氛 (氣氛)
气温 (氣溫)
气象 (氣象)
气质 (氣質)
生气 (生氣)
空气 (空氣)
节气 (節氣)
脾气 (脾氣)
运气 (運氣)
霸气 (霸氣)

Medium Frequency

一口气 (一口氣)
不争气 (不爭氣)
俗气 (俗氣)
傲气 (傲氣)
傻气 (傻氣)
元气 (元氣)
充气 (充氣)
冷气 (冷氣)
出气 (出氣)
力气 (力氣)
受气 (受氣)
口气 (口氣)
名气 (名氣)
吸气 (吸氣)
呼气 (呼氣)
和气 (和氣)
喘气 (喘氣)
喜气洋洋 (喜氣洋洋)
叹气 (嘆氣)
大气 (大氣)
天然气 (天然氣)
孩子气 (孩子氣)
客气 (客氣)
寒气 (寒氣)
小气 (小氣)
小气鬼 (小氣鬼)
尾气 (尾氣)
底气 (底氣)
心平气和 (心平氣和)
志气 (志氣)
怒气 (怒氣)
怨气 (怨氣)
意气相投 (意氣相投)
打气 (打氣)
断气 (斷氣)
晦气 (晦氣)
暖气 (暖氣)
服气 (服氣)
朝气 (朝氣)
正气 (正氣)
气人 (氣人)
气候 (氣候)
气势 (氣勢)
气味 (氣味)
气壮山河 (氣壯山河)
气度 (氣度)
气愤 (氣憤)
气概 (氣概)
气泡 (氣泡)
气派 (氣派)
气球 (氣球)
气色 (氣色)
气血 (氣血)
气象台 (氣象台)
气馁 (氣餒)
气体 (氣體)
气魄 (氣魄)
氧气 (氧氣)
洋气 (洋氣)
泄气 (洩氣)
消气 (消氣)
淘气 (淘氣)
湿气 (濕氣)
火气 (火氣)
煤气 (煤氣)
热气 (熱氣)
争气 (爭氣)
理直气壮 (理直氣壯)
发脾气 (發脾氣)
神气 (神氣)
福气 (福氣)
秀气 (秀氣)
稚气 (稚氣)
义气 (義氣)
血气 (血氣)
语气 (語氣)
豪气 (豪氣)
赌气 (賭氣)
趾高气扬 (趾高氣揚)
通气 (通氣)
过气 (過氣)
电气 (電氣)
雾气 (霧氣)
灵气 (靈氣)
风气 (風氣)
香气 (香氣)
骨气 (骨氣)

Appears In:

also appears in:
Decomposition Levels:
Level 1: Only divided once. So only two components.
Level 2: Radical Decomposition. The character gets decomposed into its lowest radical components. For the complete list visit the Radical wikipedia page.
Level 3: Graphical Decomposition. Shows all the strokes & lowest level of components that make up the character.
If you see questions marks or too many "block" characters, especially when it comes to level 3 decomposition you might need the correct font.