
  1. 呼 is the 841st most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 56 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (mouth), (N/A), 𠂇 (left hand), (eight/divide)
Graphical :
=> , , 𠂇,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. hu1 - to call/to cry/to shout/to breath out/to exhale

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 呼 (hu1): The component 乎 is pronounced as 'hu1'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

一呼百应 (一呼百應)

Medium Frequency

呼唤 (呼喚)
呼啸 (呼嘯)
呼噜 (呼嚕)
呼应 (呼應)
呼吁 (呼籲)
呼声 (呼聲)
呜呼 (嗚呼)
打呼噜 (打呼嚕)
欢呼 (歡呼)
称呼 (稱呼)
惊呼 (驚呼)

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  1. 倫 is the 968th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 46 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (human), (human), (one), (upside down box), (grass)
Graphical :
=> , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. lun2 - human relationship/order/coherence

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 倫 (lun2): The component 侖 is pronounced as 'lun2'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

伦敦 (倫敦)
伦理 (倫理)
周杰伦 (周傑倫)

Medium Frequency

不伦不类 (不倫不類)
乱伦 (亂倫)
亚伦 (亞倫)
佛罗伦萨 (佛羅倫薩)
劳伦斯 (勞倫斯)
卡梅伦 (卡梅倫)
呼伦贝尔 (呼倫貝爾)
哥伦布 (哥倫布)
哥伦比亚 (哥倫比亞)
多伦多 (多倫多)
天伦 (天倫)
天伦之乐 (天倫之樂)
巴比伦 (巴比倫)
张伯伦 (張伯倫)
海伦 (海倫)
无与伦比 (無與倫比)
绝伦 (絕倫)
语无伦次 (語無倫次)
阿伦 (阿倫)

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  1. 貝 is the 1131st most frequent character.
  2. has 2 dictionary entries.
  3. appears as a character in 45 words.
  4. appears as a component in 269 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (shell)
Graphical :
=> , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. Bei4 - surname Bei
  2. bei4 - cowrie/shellfish/currency (archaic)

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 貝 (bei4): The component 八 is pronounced as 'ba1'. It has the same pinyin initial.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 貝 (bei4): The component 貝 is pronounced as 'bei4'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

宝贝 (寶貝)

Medium Frequency

干贝 (乾貝)
分贝 (分貝)
宝贝儿 (寶貝兒)
扇贝 (扇貝)
拷贝 (拷貝)
诺贝尔 (諾貝爾)
贝克 (貝克)
贝多芬 (貝多芬)
贝宁 (貝寧)
贝拉 (貝拉)
贝壳 (貝殼)
贝尔 (貝爾)

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  1. 爾 is the 220th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 254 words.
  4. appears as a component in 8 characters.


Once :
=> 𤓯, No glyph available
Radical :
=> (one), (line), (eight/divide), (turban/scarf), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. er3 - thus/so/like that/you/thou

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. There are no phonetic clues for this character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

偶尔 (偶爾)
凯尔特人 (凱爾特人)
哈尔滨 (哈爾濱)
墨尔本 (墨爾本)
爱尔兰 (愛爾蘭)
摩尔 (摩爾)
沃尔玛 (沃爾瑪)
福尔摩斯 (福爾摩斯)
华尔街 (華爾街)
达尔文 (達爾文)
首尔 (首爾)
马尔代夫 (馬爾代夫)
高尔夫 (高爾夫)

Medium Frequency

不过尔尔 (不過爾爾)
丘吉尔 (丘吉爾)
丹尼尔 (丹尼爾)
伊戈尔 (伊戈爾)
伊斯坦布尔 (伊斯坦布爾)
伏尔泰 (伏爾泰)
伯尔尼 (伯爾尼)
凡尔赛 (凡爾賽)
出尔反尔 (出爾反爾)
切尔西 (切爾西)
切尔诺贝利 (切爾諾貝利)
加尔各答 (加爾各答)
博尔赫斯 (博爾赫斯)
博尔顿 (博爾頓)
卡塔尔 (卡塔爾)
卡尔 (卡爾)
厄瓜多尔 (厄瓜多爾)
呼伦贝尔 (呼倫貝爾)
哈尔滨市 (哈爾濱市)
喀布尔 (喀布爾)
基尔 (基爾)
塔尔寺 (塔爾寺)
塞内加尔 (塞內加爾)
塞尔维亚 (塞爾維亞)
塞舌尔 (塞舌爾)
奥尔良 (奧爾良)
威尔士 (威爾士)
威尔逊 (威爾遜)
安吉尔 (安吉爾)
安道尔 (安道爾)
密尔沃基 (密爾沃基)
尼泊尔 (尼泊爾)
巴塞尔 (巴塞爾)
巴尔干 (巴爾干)
巴尔扎克 (巴爾扎克)
巴尔的摩 (巴爾的摩)
布尔津 (布爾津)
布莱尔 (布萊爾)
布鲁塞尔 (布魯塞爾)
希尔 (希爾)
希尔顿 (希爾頓)
库尔勒 (庫爾勒)
恩格尔 (恩格爾)
爱尔兰人 (愛爾蘭人)
戈尔 (戈爾)
戈尔巴乔夫 (戈爾巴喬夫)
戴尔 (戴爾)
托尔斯泰 (托爾斯泰)
拉斐尔 (拉斐爾)
撒切尔 (撒切爾)
斯德哥尔摩 (斯德哥爾摩)
斯皮尔伯格 (斯皮爾伯格)
杜塞尔多夫 (杜塞爾多夫)
查尔斯 (查爾斯)
格尔木 (格爾木)
森海塞尔 (森海塞爾)
比尔 (比爾)
沃尔沃 (沃爾沃)
波尔多 (波爾多)
泰戈尔 (泰戈爾)
海拉尔 (海拉爾)
海尔 (海爾)
温文尔雅 (溫文爾雅)
汉密尔顿 (漢密爾頓)
尔后 (爾後)
尔虞我诈 (爾虞我詐)
毕尔巴鄂 (畢爾巴鄂)
皮埃尔 (皮埃爾)
福尔 (福爾)
科尔 (科爾)
科尔沁 (科爾沁)
第纳尔 (第納爾)
米歇尔 (米歇爾)
纽卡斯尔 (紐卡斯爾)
索尔 (索爾)
维吉尔 (維吉爾)
维吾尔 (維吾爾)
维吾尔族 (維吾爾族)
罗纳尔多 (羅納爾多)
英特尔 (英特爾)
荷尔蒙 (荷爾蒙)
莞尔 (莞爾)
华尔兹 (華爾茲)
蒙特利尔 (蒙特利爾)
萨尔 (薩爾)
萨尔茨堡 (薩爾茨堡)
诺贝尔 (諾貝爾)
贝尔 (貝爾)
赫尔 (赫爾)
赫尔曼 (赫爾曼)
赫尔辛基 (赫爾辛基)
车尔尼雪夫斯基 (車爾尼雪夫斯基)
达喀尔 (達喀爾)
迈克尔 (邁克爾)
鄂尔多斯 (鄂爾多斯)
里尔 (里爾)
阿尔伯特 (阿爾伯特)
阿尔卑斯 (阿爾卑斯)
阿尔卑斯山 (阿爾卑斯山)
阿尔卡特 (阿爾卡特)
阿尔及利亚 (阿爾及利亞)
阿尔山 (阿爾山)
阿尔巴尼亚 (阿爾巴尼亞)
阿尔法 (阿爾法)
阿尔萨斯 (阿爾薩斯)
霍尔木兹 (霍爾木茲)
马歇尔 (馬歇爾)
高尔基 (高爾基)
高尔夫球 (高爾夫球)
黑格尔 (黑格爾)
默克尔 (默克爾)
齐齐哈尔 (齊齊哈爾)
齐齐哈尔市 (齊齊哈爾市)

Appears In:

also appears in:
Decomposition Levels:
Level 1: Only divided once. So only two components.
Level 2: Radical Decomposition. The character gets decomposed into its lowest radical components. For the complete list visit the Radical wikipedia page.
Level 3: Graphical Decomposition. Shows all the strokes & lowest level of components that make up the character.
If you see questions marks or too many "block" characters, especially when it comes to level 3 decomposition you might need the correct font.