
  1. 无 is the 105th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 351 words.
  4. appears as a component in 15 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (have not)
Graphical :
=> , 𠂇,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. wu2 - -less/not to have/no/none/not/to lack/un-

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 无 (wu2): The component 尢 is pronounced as 'wang1'. It has the same pinyin initial.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 无 (wu2): The component 无 is pronounced as 'wu2'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

无奈 (無奈)
无所谓 (無所謂)
无敌 (無敵)
无数 (無數)
无比 (無比)
无法 (無法)
无聊 (無聊)
无语 (無語)
无论 (無論)
无关 (無關)
无限 (無限)

Medium Frequency

一望无际 (一望無際)
一无所有 (一無所有)
一无所知 (一無所知)
人无完人 (人無完人)
冷酷无情 (冷酷無情)
问心无愧 (問心無愧)
回味无穷 (回味無窮)
安然无恙 (安然無恙)
寥寥无几 (寥寥無幾)
徒劳无功 (徒勞無功)
忍无可忍 (忍無可忍)
战无不胜 (戰無不勝)
无中生有 (無中生有)
无人 (無人)
无人区 (無人區)
无价 (無價)
无偿 (無償)
无力 (無力)
无助 (無助)
无动于衷 (無動於衷)
无厘头 (無厘頭)
无可厚非 (無可厚非)
无可奈何 (無可奈何)
无可救药 (無可救藥)
无名 (無名)
无名指 (無名指)
无味 (無味)
无地自容 (無地自容)
无家可归 (無家可歸)
无常 (無常)
无底 (無底)
无形 (無形)
无影无踪 (無影無蹤)
无从 (無從)
无微不至 (無微不至)
无心 (無心)
无怨无悔 (無怨無悔)
无耻 (無恥)
无悔 (無悔)
无情 (無情)
无意 (無意)
无愧 (無愧)
无忧无虑 (無憂無慮)
无懈可击 (無懈可擊)
无成 (無成)
无所事事 (無所事事)
无所适从 (無所適從)
无拘无束 (無拘無束)
无故 (無故)
无效 (無效)
无暇 (無暇)
无望 (無望)
无期 (無期)
无极 (無極)
无济于事 (無濟於事)
无物 (無物)
无猜 (無猜)
无理 (無理)
无理取闹 (無理取鬧)
无用 (無用)
无疑 (無疑)
无益 (無益)
无知 (無知)
无私 (無私)
无穷 (無窮)
无穷无尽 (無窮無盡)
无端 (無端)
无端端 (無端端)
无线 (無線)
无缘 (無緣)
无缘无故 (無緣無故)
无罪 (無罪)
无声 (無聲)
无声无息 (無聲無息)
无能 (無能)
无能为力 (無能為力)
无与伦比 (無與倫比)
无色 (無色)
无处 (無處)
无处不在 (無處不在)
无视 (無視)
无言 (無言)
无言以对 (無言以對)
无话可说 (無話可說)
无谓 (無謂)
无赖 (無賴)
无趣 (無趣)
无辜 (無辜)
无边 (無邊)
无邪 (無邪)
无量 (無量)
无锡 (無錫)
无锡市 (無錫市)
无间 (無間)
无双 (無雙)
无非 (無非)
无须 (無須)
独一无二 (獨一無二)
当之无愧 (當之無愧)
目中无人 (目中無人)
空无一人 (空無一人)
童言无忌 (童言無忌)
义无反顾 (義無反顧)
肆无忌惮 (肆無忌憚)
与世无争 (與世無爭)
若无其事 (若無其事)
苍白无力 (蒼白無力)
虚无 (虛無)
语无伦次 (語無倫次)
遥遥无期 (遙遙無期)
风雨无阻 (風雨無阻)
默默无闻 (默默無聞)

Appears In:

also appears in:

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  1. 芜 is the 3233rd most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 10 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (grass), (have not)
Graphical :
=> , , 𠂇,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. wu2 - overgrown with weeds

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 芜 (wu2): The component 无 is pronounced as 'wu2'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

荒芜 (荒蕪)
芜湖 (蕪湖)

Medium Frequency

莱芜 (萊蕪)
芜湖市 (蕪湖市)

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  1. 庑 is the 4400th most frequent character.
  2. has 2 dictionary entries.
  3. appears as a character in 0 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> 广,
Radical :
=> 广 (house on cliff), (have not)
Graphical :
=> , , , 𠂇,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. wu2 - variant of 蕪|芜[wu2]
  2. wu3 - small rooms facing or to the side of the main hall or veranda

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 庑 (wu2): The component 无 is pronounced as 'wu2'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 庑 (wu3): The component 无 is pronounced as 'wu2'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.

Example Words:

High Frequency

Medium Frequency

Decomposition Levels:
Level 1: Only divided once. So only two components.
Level 2: Radical Decomposition. The character gets decomposed into its lowest radical components. For the complete list visit the Radical wikipedia page.
Level 3: Graphical Decomposition. Shows all the strokes & lowest level of components that make up the character.
If you see questions marks or too many "block" characters, especially when it comes to level 3 decomposition you might need the correct font.