

  1. ่‹ is the 1726th most frequent character.
  2. ่‹ has 2 dictionary entries.
  3. ่‹ appears as a character in 31 words.
  4. ่‹ appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
่‹ => ่‰น, ไป“
Radical :
่‹ => ่‰น (grass), ไบบ (human), ไนš (second), ใ‡† (N/A)
Graphical :
่‹ => ่‰น, ไบบ, ไนš, ใ‡†

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. Cang1 - surname Cang
  2. cang1 - dark blue/deep green/ash-gray

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for ่‹ (cang1): The component ไป“ is pronounced as 'cang1'. It has the exact same pronunciation as the character.
  2. Pronunciation clue for ่‹ (cang1): The component ่‰น is pronounced as 'cao3'. It has the same pinyin initial.

Example Words:

High Frequency

่‹ๅคฉ (่’ผๅคฉ)
่‹็™ฝ (่’ผ็™ฝ)
่‹่Œซ (่’ผ่Œซ)
่‹่‡ (่’ผ่ …)

Medium Frequency

ไธŠ่‹ (ไธŠ่’ผ)
่‹ๅ— (่’ผๅ—)
่‹ๅฑฑ (่’ผๅฑฑ)
่‹ๆขง (่’ผๆขง)
่‹ๅ‡‰ (่’ผๆถผ)
่‹็”Ÿ (่’ผ็”Ÿ)
่‹็™ฝๆ— ๅŠ› (่’ผ็™ฝ็„กๅŠ›)
่‹็ฉน (่’ผ็ฉน)
่‹่€ (่’ผ่€)
่‹่‹ (่’ผ่’ผ)
Decomposition Levels:
Level 1: Only divided once. So only two components.
Level 2: Radical Decomposition. The character gets decomposed into its lowest radical components. For the complete list visit the Radical wikipedia page.
Level 3: Graphical Decomposition. Shows all the strokes & lowest level of components that make up the character.
If you see questions marks or too many "block" characters, especially when it comes to level 3 decomposition you might need the correct font.