

  1. ๆƒ is the 297th most frequent character.
  2. ๆƒ has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. ๆƒ appears as a character in 96 words.
  4. ๆƒ appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
ๆƒ => ๆœจ, ๅˆ
Radical :
ๆƒ => ๆœจ (tree), ๅˆ (right hand)
Graphical :
ๆƒ => ไธ€, ไธจ, ๅ…ซ, ใ‡‡, ใ‡

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. quan2 - authority/power/right/temporary

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. There are no phonetic clues for this character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

ไธปๆƒย (ไธปๆฌŠ)
ไบบๆƒย (ไบบๆฌŠ)
ๆŽˆๆƒย (ๆŽˆๆฌŠ)
ๆƒย (ๆฌŠ)
ๆƒๅˆฉย (ๆฌŠๅˆฉ)
ๆƒๅŠ›ย (ๆฌŠๅŠ›)
ๆƒๅŠฟย (ๆฌŠๅ‹ข)
ๆƒๅจย (ๆฌŠๅจ)
็‰นๆƒย (็‰นๆฌŠ)
็ปดๆƒย (็ถญๆฌŠ)

Medium Frequency

ไธปๅฏผๆƒย (ไธปๅฐŽๆฌŠ)
ไฝฟ็”จๆƒย (ไฝฟ็”จๆฌŠ)
ไพตๆƒย (ไพตๆฌŠ)
ๅ€บๆƒย (ๅ‚ตๆฌŠ)
ๅ€บๆƒไบบย (ๅ‚ตๆฌŠไบบ)
ๅ…จๆƒย (ๅ…จๆฌŠ)
ไธงๆƒ่พฑๅ›ฝย (ๅ–ชๆฌŠ่พฑๅœ‹)
ๅคงๆƒย (ๅคงๆฌŠ)
ๅฅณๆƒย (ๅฅณๆฌŠ)
ๅฅณๆƒไธปไน‰ย (ๅฅณๆฌŠไธป็พฉ)
ๅญ™ๆƒย (ๅญซๆฌŠ)
ไธ“ๅˆฉๆƒย (ๅฐˆๅˆฉๆฌŠ)
ๅผบๆƒย (ๅผทๆฌŠ)
ๆ‰€ๆœ‰ๆƒย (ๆ‰€ๆœ‰ๆฌŠ)
ๆŠ•็ฅจๆƒย (ๆŠ•็ฅจๆฌŠ)
ๆŽŒๆƒย (ๆŽŒๆฌŠ)
ๆŽงๅˆถๆƒย (ๆŽงๅˆถๆฌŠ)
ๆ‹ฅๆœ‰ๆƒย (ๆ“ๆœ‰ๆฌŠ)
ๆ”ฟๆƒย (ๆ”ฟๆฌŠ)
ๆœŸๆƒย (ๆœŸๆฌŠ)
ๅผƒๆƒย (ๆฃ„ๆฌŠ)
ๆžๆƒย (ๆฅตๆฌŠ)
ๆƒๅจๆ€งย (ๆฌŠๅจๆ€ง)
ๆƒๆ–ย (ๆฌŠๆ–)
ๆƒๆŸ„ย (ๆฌŠๆŸ„)
ๆƒๅฝ“ย (ๆฌŠ็•ถ)
ๆƒ็›Šย (ๆฌŠ็›Š)
ๆƒ่กกย (ๆฌŠ่กก)
ๆƒ่ดตย (ๆฌŠ่ฒด)
ๆƒ้‡ย (ๆฌŠ้‡)
ๆƒ้™ย (ๆฌŠ้™)
ๆฐ‘ๆƒย (ๆฐ‘ๆฌŠ)
ๆ— ๆƒย (็„กๆฌŠ)
็‰ˆๆƒย (็‰ˆๆฌŠ)
ไบงๆƒย (็”ขๆฌŠ)
ๅ‘่จ€ๆƒย (็™ผ่จ€ๆฌŠ)
็š‡ๆƒย (็š‡ๆฌŠ)
่Œๆƒย (่ทๆฌŠ)
่‚กๆƒย (่‚กๆฌŠ)
่‡ชไธปๆƒย (่‡ชไธปๆฌŠ)
่‘—ไฝœๆƒย (่‘—ไฝœๆฌŠ)
่ดขไบงๆƒย (่ฒก็”ขๆฌŠ)
้€‰ไธพๆƒย (้ธ่ˆ‰ๆฌŠ)
้š็งๆƒย (้šฑ็งๆฌŠ)
้›†ๆƒย (้›†ๆฌŠ)
้œธๆƒย (้œธๆฌŠ)


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  1. ้‡ is the 140th most frequent character.
  2. ้‡ has 2 dictionary entries.
  3. ้‡ appears as a character in 199 words.
  4. ้‡ appears as a component in 8 characters.


Once :
้‡ => ๅƒ, ้‡Œ
Radical :
้‡ => ใ‡’ (N/A), ๅ (ten), ้‡Œ (village/mile)
Graphical :
้‡ => ใ‡’, ไธ€, ไธจ, ๅ†‚, ไธ€, ไธจ, ไธ€, ไธ€, ไธจ, ไธ€

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. chong2 - to repeat/repetition/again/re-/classifier: layer
  2. zhong4 - heavy/serious/to attach importance to

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. There are no phonetic clues for this character.

Example Words:

High Frequency

ไธฅ้‡ย (ๅšด้‡)

Medium Frequency

ๅŠ ้‡ย 
็จณ้‡ย (็ฉฉ้‡)
่ดต้‡ย (่ฒด้‡)
้ƒ‘้‡ย (้„ญ้‡)
้‡ไผคย (้‡ๅ‚ท)
้‡ๅฏย (้‡ๅ•Ÿ)
้‡ๅ›ดย (้‡ๅœ)
้‡ๅบ†ย (้‡ๆ…ถ)
้‡ๆธฉย (้‡ๆบซ)
้‡็Žฐย (้‡็พ)
้‡็ป„ย (้‡็ต„)
้‡ๅคย (้‡่ค‡)
้‡่ง†ย (้‡่ฆ–)
้‡็‚นย (้‡้ปž)
ไฝ“้‡ย (้ซ”้‡)
Decomposition Levels:
Level 1: Only divided once. So only two components.
Level 2: Radical Decomposition. The character gets decomposed into its lowest radical components. For the complete list visit the Radical wikipedia page.
Level 3: Graphical Decomposition. Shows all the strokes & lowest level of components that make up the character.
If you see questions marks or too many "block" characters, especially when it comes to level 3 decomposition you might need the correct font.